NeCIP 14th Annual Conference:
Sex and sexuality: Christian and psychological perspectives
2-4 April 2004
Venue: Trinity College, Bristol, United Kingdom
Distinguished speaker: Prof David Myers, PhD (Hope College, Michigan)
The 2nd Annual Mid-Winter Research Conference on Religion and Spirituality
The 2nd Annual Mid-Winter Research Conference on Religion and Spirituality: hosted by Division 36 (Psychology of Religion) of APA and the Department of Pastoral Counseling at Loyola College in Maryland will be held March 19-20, 2004 at the Columbia Graduate Center of Loyola College. The theme of conference is: Spirituality and Religion as Universal Aspects of Human Experience.
The Tenth European Conference on Science and Theology in Barcelona,
April 1-6, 2004.
Spirituality and Health
3rd North American Multidisciplinary Conference: Spirituality and Health: Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
May 27, 2004 to May 29, 2004
The purpose of this conference is to examine and explore the following themes: The science and research that validates the effect/impact of spiritual practices on health and well-being The nature of spirituality and its implications for health care Spiritual teachings and practices used in health care The spiritual well-being of the health care professional Models of curricular design for teaching spirituality and health within and across disciplines
ICSA VI World Congress: Science and Religion:
The Missing Link: Details: Preregistration due by March 15, 2004 , Location: Malibu, CA Web
Fuller Theological Seminary
Fuller Theological Seminary and the Center for Christian Colleges and Universities sponsored a working conference on integration two weeks ago. Nancey Murphy was the speaker and some 11 scholars responded to her. Tapes of the conference are available at atc@dept.fuller.edu
Next year Dr. Ann Ulanov will be our conference speaker. Dr. Ulanov is a most articulate spokesperson for integrating faith and Jungian perspectives. The symposium will take place February 18-20, 2004. We are in search of workshop leaders religious/Jungian psychotherapy. Please email me names of persons you would recommend.
Athens, GREECE. July 2006
26th International Congress of Applied Psychology
Contact: Prof. James Georgas, Department of Psychology,
School of Philosophy, University of Athens, Panepistemiopolis
Athens 15784 Greece;
Tel. 30 1 7277524, FAX 30 1 7277534
Email: dgeorgas@dp.uoa.gr
The 2006 Conference of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion,
Leuven, Belgium, August 27 – 31, 2006
International congress in Greece
"Psychotherapy and Orthodox Christian Theology"
October 1 - 5, 2003
Informations: Rev. Adamandios Avgoustidis
E-mail: 1) adam1 avg@otenet.gr 2) aavgoust@theol.uoa.gr
March 28-29, 2003. Columbia, Maryland
Mid-Winter Research Conference on Religion and Spirituality
Building Bridges through Theory, Research and Practice
April 4-6, 2003
Network of Christians in Psychology (NeCIP) 13th Annual Conference
Theme: Forgiveness
Sevilla, 22-25 de abril de 2003
40 Congreso de filosofos jovenes: Religiones, mitos e idolos
May 31 thru June 5, 2003
Works of Love:
Scientific and Religious Perspectives on Altruism
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
May 31 thru June 5, 2003
Works of Love:
Scientific and Religious Perspectives on Altruism
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
August 12-13, 2003
Eastland Park Hotel, Portland
Religion, Cognitive Science, and Evolutionary Psychology
2nd Annual Conference of the New England Institute for Cognitive Science and Evolutionary Psychology (NEI)
August 10-17 , 2003 ISTANBUL / TURKEY
Conferences and other events relevant to psychologists who study religion.
by Michael E. Nielsen, PhD.
Science, Faith, and Human Nature: Reconciling Neuropsychology and Christian Theology
Integration Symposium, February 16-18, 2005
BACIP 16th Annual Conference:
Religion in the consulting room?