Journal of Psychology and Theology
The purpose of the Journal of Psychology and Theology is to communicate recent scholarly thinking on the interrelationships of psychological and theological concepts, and to consider the application of these concepts to a variety of professional settings. The major intent of the editor is to place before the evangelical community articles that have bearing on the nature of humankind from a biblical perspective.
Journal of Psychology and Christianity (JPC).
The Journal of Psychology and Christianity (JPC) is an official publication of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Inc.(CAPS), designed to provide scholarly interchange among Christian professionals in the psychological and pastoral professions. Journal articles focus on clinical topics, research, theoretical issues and special theme areas. A book review section is also included in each issue. The journal is published quarterly in March, June, September, & December. Both solicited and unsolicited manuscripts must be submitted to the Editor. A board of referees evaluates and selects articles for publication.
Is devoted to psychological studies of religious processes and phenomena in all religious traditions--the only international publication concerned exclusively with the psychology of religion.
Counseling and Values:
The official journal of the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC).
A professional journal of theory, research, and informed opinion concerned with the relationships among psychology, philosophy, religion, social values, and counseling.
Mental Health, Religion & Culture:
Publish empirically-based work exploring the relationships between mental health and aspects of religion and culture, and discussing conceptual and philosophical aspects.
Journal of Pastoral Care:
An award-winning professional publication offering articles and book reviews on pastoral care, pastoral counseling, clinical pastoral education, and ministry in specialized settings.
American journal of pastoral counseling
Abstracts and tables of contents data from 1997 to 1999 for the journal American Journal of Pastoral Counseling (ISSN: 1094-6098),from the BUBL table of contents service.
Journal of Pastoral Counseling:
is published annually by the Graduate Department of Pastoral and Family Counseling atIonaCollege inNew Rochelle, New York. Each issue generally covers a theme within counseling, whether practical or theoretical in nature. We are in the process of considering a title change in order to broaden the scope of the journal to include more interdisciplinary approaches to counseling.
Journal of Religion and Health
Explores the most contemporary modes of religious thought with particular emphasis on their relevance to current medical and psychological research. Using an eclectic approach to the study of human values, health, and emotional welfare, this journal provides a scholarly forum for the discussion of topical themes on both a theoretical and practical level.
Science and Spirit Magazine Events
Science & Spirit Mission Statement: Our mission is to facilitate a rich and robust dialogue between the scientific and religious communities by forging a common vocabulary. We intend the result to be a more integrated and balanced approach to complex social issues
Theology Today
A quarterly ecumenical journal of theology, publishes articles on a wide range of classical and contemporary theological issues by many of the finest theologians working today. Theology Today is published by Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton.